Carol Cheong


Becky. Within the nine years or so in which you’ve taught me piano, I must say it has come a long way. With my 20th birthday approaching, I have known you for pretty much half my entire life. What is there you don’t know about me? Learning from you has been pretty much a lifelong trip. Your style of teaching – listen to the student, talk to them, and hopefully they learn – is simple yet effective. Over the years, I have gotten to know you almost like a sister. Even though I am no longer a student of yours, it is impossible to forget the times we’ve spent together, from the days when we sat and talked at your home, to the days we went out for a long run. I clearly remember your face the first time I met you when I was still very young – I swear you haven’t aged a bit! You haven’t changed either; you’ve always had a blunt and imaginative personality. You were more than just a piano teacher – now you are a friend.
