How I get my daughters to practice during summer vacation
Summer is a lazy time for me. During the school year, it was easier to build piano practicing into the routine of the day. Since January 2011, I had made it my new year’s resolution to make piano practicing more of a priority with my daughters. They were in the middle of Grade 1 and definately ready to have piano as a part of their activities. So, every day, during their lunch periods, I’d pick them up from school. 20 mins to eat, 20 mins to practice.
Now with summer, it’s so hard to have a routine. When the kids are outside playing with their friends, it’s a little difficult to ask them to come in to work for 30 mins in a day. So, instead, when the girls ask to ride their bikes outside, or ask a friend over for a playdate, as well as saying – “only after you’ve made your beds” or “have you finished eating your lunch”, I also include “after you’ve played your songs 5 times each”. 5 times doesn’t seem like a lot, but do it a few times a day when they ask for something that could be more constructive with their time, it’s enough.